Sheba is a gorgeous Siberian husky cross she is nearly 10 now but if you see in the review Paul rescued her from a cruel start in life. On my first visit I was a little wary but she proved me wrong in two ways she was super excited to see me and loves her walks she’s not ploddy she almost skips along it’s so funny she also likes to stand up and dance with you in the kitchen.
“Sheba is a rescue I brought home from dog’s trust 8 1/2 years ago, when she was 18 months old, I won’t upset you with her poor start in life, It took Sheba 3 weeks to feel safe in her new home. She is frightened of other dogs, but we did out best to help her in completing the Kennel Club, Bronze, Silver and gold award’s. She still cannot associate with other dogs but is fun and magical with family and friends, especially the grandchildren. I have taken her to kennel’s while I’ve been away, but decided this wasn’t for her, so contacted Louise in Stapleford, Nottingham to walk, feed and take care of Sheba while I’m away. Best thing I ever did, for me and Sheba, as I have cameras in the house to monitor Sheba, I can see Louise giving Sheba love and affection morning and evening before and after walking and feeding. I know now I can leave Sheba knowing she is safe in her own surroundings and has the pleasure of walks with Louise twice a day.”